The Whole Child
Our goal at The Reggio Academy is to create well rounded children that accomplish much more than academic success. We do this by implementing The Whole Child Approach which are five principles that are based around Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: health, safety, engage, support and challenge. By using this approach educators are able to help children reach their fullest potential and support their families in raising confident, well-rounded, curious, and emotionally intelligent children. Below describes how we use this approach in our classrooms.
For a child to have a healthy mind they must first have a healthy body. We provide two snacks daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, that consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, no added sugar and no artificial colors/dyes. We encourage parents to pack a lunch without highly processed foods. To help parents our kitchen staff warms up lunches so that parents can pack well rounded meals that consist of protein, healthy fats and carbs (feel free to pack the yummy dinner you cooked the night before and we will heat it up!). We also have a no sugar policy when it comes to birthday treats. We do not allow parents to bring in highly processed cupcakes or candy for celebrations. Instead we encourage families to come in and help cook your child’s favorite meal or set up their favorite activity! By teaching children different ways to keep their body healthy we are laying the foundation for life long health as they get older.
We provide an environment that is both physically and emotionally safe for children. Physical safety includes anchoring furniture to walls, practicing emergency plans, implementing class expectations, constant supervision and proper sanitation protocols. In addition to a physically safe environment, we want children to feel emotionally safe. We create this safe environment by building trust, being responsive to individual needs, enhancing emotional regulation, strengthening conflict resolution strategies and establishing a culture of inclusion for everyone.
Being engaged in learning comes naturally with our Reggio Inspired program because children are active collaborators in their education. In traditional school settings, children are taught information that is teacher led which can make engagement difficult. However, at The Reggio Academy children dictate the curriculum through their interest which naturally keeps children engaged and creates a long term love for learning.
Support is felt the second you come in contact with The Reggio Academy. Support is provided on every level within our school. The director’s support for the teachers allows teachers to successfully support children and their families. In the classroom, children are supported by educators taking the time to understand how children learn and what individual attention they will need in order to be successful. Do they learn better through art or through sensory play? Do they learn better after outside time or in the morning during small groups? By providing individualized support, children are able to reach their fullest potential and no child is left behind.
We challenge our children by being guides in their education. Educators collaborate together to create provocations, projects and classrooms that allow children to dive deeper into their explorations, inquiries and theories.
“The whole-child approach is based on the belief that the social and emotional development of a child will enable them to thrive academically.
Once their physical and emotional needs are met, children are ready to learn.”