Preserving childhood in a modern world
Early childhood program serving ages 1-5 years old
What is the Reggio Emilia Approach?
Within the Reggio Emilia approach, children are viewed as competent, capable beings. The ascetically pleasing environments are set up with the intention of mirroring the interests of the children. Educators are co-researchers exploring the children’s interests through connection and observation. Documentation is used to track the children’s explorations and make learning visible to the community.
Why is play important?
There is so much power in play! Play gives children the opportunity to strengthen physical, emotional, social and cognitive development. Play is an outlet for children to express their emotions and solve problems. Children are able to connect real life experiences through unconstructed play as they act out what they see. This kind of play becomes a lens for educators and depicts how children see the world and it is fun! At The Reggio Academy we value and respect play immensely within our program.